Durrant Farms Newsletter
November 20, 2023
Hey there!
Can you believe we’re already more than halfway through November? While the weather is still somewhat decent, we have been making preparations for winter. This week, we built a temporary car barn where we will be able to keep our farm equipment for the winter. It has been really dry and dusty lately and everything we own is covered in dust, including the boys!
Seasonal Closure for Alpaca Experiences
It’s been an amazing summer and fall here on the farm! We’re ready to hunker down and rest while the darkest days ascend upon us. Winter is a great time for restoration and stillness… while staying cozy with alpaca fiber blankets and socks!
We are not operating alpaca experiences during the winter season. However, you can still purchase your passes and make a reservation for next year. What a cool experience that would be to gift to someone special, right??
Don’t forget that if you’re staying with us this winter, you’ll still get to see the boys even if we aren’t hosting brunch or happy hour at this time.
Farm Store Buying Guide
We know our store looks a little funny right now. It was originally intended just for guests, but we’ve adapted it to sell our fiber products and unique alpaca experiences to non-guests as well. We have plans on the horizon to upgrade to a proper online store later, but for now, we’re still using The Host Co as our storefront.
This buying guide will tell you everything you need to know to use our host.co store and support our small, sustainable farm this season. Our subscribers get access to the holiday pop up shop that is happening right now. This is an exclusive deal that is only available to our subscribers, but products are limited so shop now before supplies run out. Click here to join our email list so you can get access to all of our exclusive discounts!

Do you know someone who might enjoy some sustainably sourced alpaca fiber socks or alpaca felted dryer balls?? Check them off your list with the products in our farm store.
We’re available by email, phone or text to answer any questions you might have. Thanks again for being a part of our community. We’re happy you’re here.
Wishing you well,
Whitney and Tom Durrant
p: 828-539-0689
w: durrantfarms.com
ig, fb, tiktok, youtube, and pinterest: @durrantfarms
435 North Turkey Creek Road, Leicester, North Carolina 28748